Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Hardly A Review: The Skin I Live In (La piel que habito) (2011)


Another world cinema movie (Spanish), which features scenes of torture, and also rape this time! (By the way I really need to stop watching movies like this otherwise people might start thinking I'm a little odd). Anyway, back to the film, The Skin I Live In is described as a drama/thriller, featuring Antonio Banderas in the lead role as Dr. Robert Ledgard, an obsessed plastic surgeon with a troubled past, which is slowly revealed as the film progresses.

In all honesty the film took a while to get into its stride, with the first half of the film being a little slow, I was beginning to think the film wouldn't live up to the hype. But, live up to the hype it did. The second section of the film features a real WTF moment and resulted in me releasing an audible 'Nooooooo,' with the realisation of what Ledgard had done as we delve into his past (let's just say it's kind of messed up).

The film casts Elena Anaya in the role of Vera (the second lead  character), who I must say wears a lovely skin tight costume. It's something everyone should consider investing in to hide the flab and make it appear as though we've all been to the gym. The film also features a vacuum built into the skirting board which, I'm sure mothers around the world would adore.

The Skin I Live In features plenty of nudity, be that Anaya's fantastic tits and arse or the less impressive hairy bum of a man dressed in a tiger costume! Nudity is to be expected in a film about plastic surgery and shouldn't come as any surprise to the viewer.

Overall, even with its relatively slow start, I become enthralled by The Skin I Live In. Antonio Banderas puts in an exceptional performance and the use of haunting piano is sublime. This film really shows what can be done with a tight cast, solid script and a great story without having to resort to Hollywood over the top bullshit.

Next time I'll try to pick a more "normal" film to review but, I probably won't like it.

TL; DR: Initially a little slow to get going but, once it does, this film contains some great twists and WTF moments along with lashings of nudity.
Hardly A Review - "Watching shit so you don't have to"

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